Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Not a worry in the world!

So still no baby....

After my appointment yesterday I feel more calm and relieved. Our doctor was nice enough to let us go another week of hoping and praying that I go into labor on my own.

A lot of people have asked a lot of questions so I'll answer the top 5.

1. Why can't they start you? It's too dangerous to start me apparently.. I've already begged her, but I'd rather be safe then sorry.

2. Why were you able to be started with Nora then? She had already passed so the danger was really low.

3. When is the day if you have a c-section? Sometime late next week. Not sure yet...

4. Do you have a name? Nope... we can't decide/agree

5. Where are you delivering? Davis if it's a regular delivery and Ogden Regional if it's a c-section.

I actually woke up this morning with the worst cold ever so not having the baby quite yet is fine by me. I can barely keep my head up let alone the duties of a new baby. This week I've been really calm and okay with whatever happens (I know Justin's blessing has helped in my feelings towards that too) and I only feel peace.

I've been thinking a lot about Nora, a year ago today I was in the hospital right now preparing for one of the most emotional experiences of my life. I've been so worried all along with this pregnancy that I would go into labor either today or tomorrow and that was my worst fear... would I be able to handle it? Would I freak out over every little thing? Will I wish that I was holding Nora instead of this little baby? But after the blessing I received yesterday I know that I am strong enough to do this. I know that Heavenly Father will be there to look out after me. Just hopefully it's not the 24 hour labor that I had! Yikes wouldn't that be awful? I can't believe that it's been a year! It went by so fast... maybe it just feels that way because I miss and think about her everyday. We have pink balloons and pink mini cupcakes to send up to heaven tomorrow for her birthday and Beckham is so excited. He can't wait to go to the grave and "see my baby Nora" as he puts it. Let's just hope the balloons can carry the cupcake. ;)

Anyway so today I haven't a worry in the world. I have the faith that the Lord will be there for us and that He's going to be looking out after us. I just wish I would have thought about this last week... I think that I took 10 years off my life with me worrying.


Danielle said...

I am so excited for you! And what a super cute idea for Nora's birthday. I hope she shares that cupcake with her little buddy Kameron! :)

Sharcy and Jeremiah said...

So so glad to hear things are still good and it's just going to take a little more patience :) HE's just not quite ready, maybe Nora wanted her brother with her for her birthday and she wasn't ready to say see ya later :) Have a wonderful celebration and best wishes for the next week.

just dandee said...

Hooray! I have been thinking about you so much. I am so happy to hear that all is looking good and I will continue to pray for you to start on your own.:) What a fabulous idea to celebrate Nora's birthday. I agree with Sharcy that Nora wanted her brother to hang out with her on her birthday, so maybe in a few days? Best wishes for the weeks to come. PLEASE let me know if I can help you in ANY way. Love you Jamie!

Tiffany said...

Keep hanging in there girl! I'm so happy to hear you're doing well (besides the cold...boo!). I like Sharcy's thought...Nora wanted him to be there with her for her birthday. That is so sweet to think about! Love ya girl!

Brenda said...

Thanks for telling me to read your blog!! :) It makes me cry. You are such a great woman Jamie. I admire your strength and courage so much. Ugg...it makes me cry! We will add you to our family prayers! We love you!

Brenda said...

PS I'm so glad he didn't come on Nora's birthday. Count that as another tender mercy!

CHELLE said...

Hey babe, I'm sorry to hear about you losing baby Nora, I had no idea and wish I would have been better about staying in touch. I'm glad to hear you're having another baby..that's so exciting last I heard anything about you, you guys were trying so I'm glad you're getting that chance no one deserves it more. I don't live very far away from you let me know if you need help with anything at all! Love you and good luck the second(third) will be a breeze! Besides you're a natural! ;)